Who is the Center Position of the Hollywood classic characters?

Fighting for the center position has become popular among the youth. On May 12, the "Empire" magazine gathered more than 30 classic superhero characters from Hollywood movies and arranged a special superhero "movie watching" event, calling on everyone not to forget the charm of the movie and return to the cinema as soon as possible.

superhero on the Empire magazine

More than 30 classic superhero characters from Hollywood movies on the "Empire" magazine​

In this superhero cover image, the villain from "Avengers 4: Endgame" firmly occupies the "Center Position" on the "Empire" magazine, and the huge body occupies two seats. Beside him, the hands of "Edward Scissors" played by Johnny Depp seemed unable to find a suitable place.

In addition, superheroes like Black Panther, Wolverine, and Wonder Woman also occupy a place on the "Empire" magazine,. The Namei people from Planet Pandora in Avatar are tall, and another alien friend ET is puzzled. Judging from the raptors of "Jurassic World" and Hu Di of "Toy Story" , the designer also strictly follows the proportion of characters in the movie. Dr. Indiana Jones and Princess Leia in "Star Wars" embraced each other intimately. Popcorn and soda also added some fun to this "viewing movie" on the "Empire" magazine,.