The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide for Chapter 21-46



Chapter 21: Submerged City
Supplement × 7
At the beginning of the level, before rowing into the first building, the boat turned sharply to the right. There was a convertible truck next to the ambulance. Seven parts could be found in the truck.

Supplement × 17 + Parts × 7
In the first house in this chapter (the place where you need to stop the boat to open the chain door), go upstairs (to the left of the gate), push the trolley to the other side and you can see a pile of rubble (you can climb over in the middle) You can see a safe with a password of 70-12-64 from the other side. You can get these supplements and parts by opening it.

After leaving the building mentioned above, row the boat and move on. After the boat is turned off, you can see the next building "Seattle Sleep Warehouse". Before entering this building, take the road to the left and park the boat in front of the garage. You can see the blue barrels and tarps. You can find 4 parts on the shelf next to the workbench, and 14 parts under the water on the right.

Supplement × 9
Continue by boat to enter the next area, there is a building "Carthy Hotel" on the right, park the boat inside and you can find 9 supplements next to the body.

The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide for Chapter 21-40

Supplement × 17
Continue to take the boat to the next area (there are many enemies), you can drive the boat to the left without fighting them, you can see a train wreck hanging on the bridge. Find a rope from the train and throw it on the door on the right, climb up and walk through the roof of the next car to see the supplement.

These parts are scattered on the upper floor of the "Kingsgate Brewing Co." building (there are many enemies).

Supplement × 10
When you stop the boat in the "W&B Arcade" building (the plot is forced to disembark), enter the kitchen to find 10 supplements.

Still in "W&B Arcade", take the stairs to the upper floor (an arch can be seen), on this floor there is a workbench, 29 parts (1 in the lock box of the stairs, 7 in the corner of the ball Below the game, 20 are on the game table and one is in the junction box on the left side of the workbench).

Supplement × 12
After fighting the BOSS Big Mac, go upstairs and turn left immediately, you can find 12 supplements in the sink.

Parts × 2
On the same floor as the supplement above, turn right into "PC Cafe", you can find 2 parts on the left table and the right table.

The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide for Chapter 21-40

Chapter 22: Infiltration
After crossing the first pool of the aquarium, climb the ladder and jump to a dark area. There are 3 parts on the table, 6 parts and 6 supplements in the locker.

After jumping off the ventilation duct, you will be attacked by the dog (knock the □ key to kill), and you can immediately see 17 parts on the next shelf to the left.

Chapter 23/24/27/29: No parts and supplements.

Chapter 25: Walking

Enter the next room (giant shopping area) from the beginning of the chapter. Check the shelf on the left side of the Halloween area to find 14 parts.

Supplement × 34
There are 3 medicine bottles on the gardening table with plastic chairs on the top of the big wooden shelf you need to climb up.

After defeating a large group of infected people and a limp, enter the kitchen to explore in the next store area (you will see your friends passing by), just near the cash register.

After the location of the above parts, before entering the "Garden Center", turn right and check the shelf to find (7 parts on the right, 3 on the left).

Enter the next area "Garden Center", this area is scattered with 61 parts, search all the shelves, cabinets, tables and garden houses to pick up.

The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide for Chapter 21-40

After using the rope to descend to the tool shop, it can be picked up in the shop. There are 2 parts on the first shelf, 12 parts on the other side of the same shelf, and 23 supplements behind the cash register.

After leaving the room where the above parts & supplements are located, turn left immediately to find it on the tool table.

From the position of the above parts, through a passage to the right, you can see a workbench. There are 18 parts on the tool table in front of the workbench.

Supplement × 18
Standing next to the workbench, you can see the stairs on the right, and go straight upstairs to see 18 supplements on the white table.

Supplement × 13
After climbing the boat suspended from the ceiling, you need to get a ladder from the terrace to bridge the boat. Don't do this first, lean the ladder against the wall opposite the boat (that is, the terrace where you got the ladder), when you lean against the wall, the [△ key] prompt will appear. After climbing up, you can find 13 on the table Supplements.

The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide for Chapter 21-40

Supplement × 8
After leaving the room where the boat is hanging, you will meet [Manny]. There is a building "MS Corporation Soft Drink Distribution Center" on the right side. There can be a gap in the back of the building that can be drilled into. After entering, you can find a supplement in the sink. There is also a safe in this room, the password is 17-38-07.

Chapter 26: Frontier Base

After passing the "Checkpoint" gate at the beginning of this chapter, enter the white tent on the left to see a workbench and 18 parts.

Chapter 28: Hostile Territories
Supplement × 12
In the first apartment you walked through, it was in the bathroom drawer.

In the first apartment you walked through, it was in the kitchen drawer.

After climbing the fence and separating Manny, search for "Spicy Dumpling", the first building directly in front of you. There are 18 parts in the kitchen (4 under the sink and 14 under the cash register).

Supplement × 23 + Parts × 3
After going through the gap (attacked by the sound follower), 23 supplements can be found in the bathroom, and 3 parts are in the drawer of the living room.

The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide for Chapter 21-40

Supplement × 20
After leaving the apartment where the supplements and parts are located above, do not enter the small sentry box to the left and to the right, where supplements can be found.

Supplement × 12
Follow the road on the left from the location of the supplements above, you will see a yard (with a picture of a woman's face on it, which says "May She Guide You"), search for the house on the left can be done Find supplements on the machine.

Now enter the building on the right of the woman's painting. There are many infected people in this hotel, and there are 7 parts on the bar.

Supplement × 31
After the wall is over, you will enter Chinatown, enter the first store on the left, "Jasmine Bakery", you can see a safe, password 68-96-89, open to get 31 supplements.

Supplement × 20
Enter the second store (Chinese medicine store), there are three medicine bottles on the right side of the store (pick up to get 12, 7, 1 supplement).

Enter the third store on the left, "Ruby Dragon" (it's a bar), and you can find a total of 16 parts behind the counter.

It is still the third store "Ruby Dragon". Upstairs, you can see two followers. After the kill, jump to the balcony across the street. Turn left and jump into the store from the hole on the floor (note that the infected person will Immediately attack you), there are 7 parts in the back room.

Parts × 3
Leaving the Chinatown area, you will see a truck decorated like a shrine in the next area with 3 parts on the table on the left.

Parts × 1
Enter the room on the right side of the decorated truck and walk through the door, where you can find 1 part.

Parts × 4
In the area where the next wave of enemies (Scarface Gang) encounters, enter the building where the enemy is located. Go up one level and there is a table with a sink. You can find 4 parts in the drawer.

The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide for Chapter 21-40

Chapter 30: Forest
After fighting with the woman with the axe (BOSS battle), enter the next building "La Rosa’s Auto Shop", a total of 27 parts scattered on the shelves of the room.

Supplement × 7
Enter the next corridor and turn right into the office. Open the drawer to find 7 supplements.

Supplement × 11
From the location of the supplements above, turn around and enter the corridor (the corridor you took when you came). You can pick up these supplements on the shelf near the lemon soda machine.

In the next room, many parts are good, there is 1 on the right shelf, 17 on the shelf behind the cash register, and 1 in the bathroom.

After leaving the building where the parts mentioned above are located, you will be attacked by 4 runners. After killing them, enter the next building and turn left. 12 parts and 8 supplements can be found on the table (before jumping off the building).

Go down one floor from the room where the above parts and supplements are located. You can find 9 parts on the table before pressing the △ key to interact with the door.
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The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide - Chapter 31: Coast

Supplement × 10
At the beginning of this chapter, after separating from Yarra and Lever, skipping the fence and entering the first building, 10 supplements can be seen in the red container.

In the first building you entered, search the shelf to get 18 parts.

Supplement × 19
Enter the next room, search the small office on the left, you can find the holster on the table, and you can pick up 19 supplements behind the holster.

The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide

The first time this chapter encountered an infected person was in a red container area. Searching the right box can get 9 parts (behind the white truck).

The first shelf on the left after entering the ship.

Supplement × 16
On the bottom deck of the ship, a skeleton can be seen on the unit price of the first room (ward) on the right.

Supplement × 16
After obtaining the crossbow (the plot is automatically obtained), walk forward to the end of the corridor, and there are 16 supplements next to the dead body on the ground.

Supplement × 12 + Parts × 17
Going upstairs from the location of the supplements above, you will encounter 4 runners. After killing them, enter the next building and turn left. You can see that there are 12 parts and 8 supplements on the table (before jumping downstairs) .

On the top deck of the ship, there is a safe next to the rudder, code 90-77-01, which can be obtained by opening it.
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The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide - Chapter 33: Shortcuts

Supplement × 10
When you reach a flooded area, you can see a small waterfall, climb the waterfall, don't jump on the platform on the right. Fear of getting to the blue bus on the left, and then jumping into the hole in the wall covered with weeds, 10 supplements can be found in the kitchen.

When jumping from the roof to the parked road, eight parts can be found in the leftmost brown car.

Jump into the apartment from the road and enter the bedroom on the right, the parts are in the safe, the password is 30-23-04. There are 7 supplements in the bathroom.

Go upstairs to the top floor from the location of the above parts & supplements, and then walk to the right of the stairs on the top floor to see a fence area, and you can pick up 9 parts on the ground.

Skip the platform in the river again and come to the "Interbay" mobile phone store, where a total of 28 parts can be picked up.

Six are on the table to the right of the workbench, 11 are on the table next to the body, 7 are on the cash register counter, and 4 are on the cabinet next to the stairs.

Supplement × 19
In the "Examination Room" of the next building you enter, there are a total of 19 supplements in the cabinet (before passing through the door where Leffer waits).


Shortly after the location of the supplement above, you need to climb the ladder and walk across a wooden bridge. After crossing the bridge, you can see 7 parts on the right side.

Supplement × 13 + Parts × 21
After climbing the ladder in the building and encountering the enemy, you can see the table dedicated to a woman. There is a workbench in the room to the right of the table. There are 13 supplements on the shelf on the right of the worktable. There is a shelf on the opposite corner. 21 parts.

Supplement × 10 + Parts × 13
After passing the area with many human enemies on the roof, pass through them and enter the next room (Ebi will block the door with an iron pipe), a medicine bottle can be seen on the right, and parts can be picked up on the left metal shelf (this room Before entering the elevator).

After taking the elevator to the top floor, you can find 6 parts on the right when leaving the elevator.

After the first bridge, go right and climb up the collapsed building, there are 11 parts at the end.
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The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide - Chapter 34

Supplement × 7
Walk through the gym from the beginning of this chapter, turn right to "Orchards Juice Bar", the parts are in the drawer of the cash register.

Supplement × 17
From the "Orchards Juice Bar" to the next corridor (normal plot route), the window reads "Hotel Blacray", at the end there is a colored door beside the table, and from the green door there is a safe in the storage room, Password 12-18-79, open to get supplements.

Supplement × 8
Just after the cutscenes in the next stairwell (Ebby puts a mask into the spore-infected area), he turned around and searched for the house behind him, and the supplement was in the living room drawer.

Supplement × 8
Still in the spore-infected area, after walking through the metal beam and then through the gap, walk down the path to the bathroom, and you can find 8 supplements in the sink drawer.

In a living room with a gas mask, 9 parts can be found on the table and 5 in the TV cabinet.

Supplement × 9
When you leave the room, you will be attacked by the infected person, walk to the end of the corridor, and enter the bedroom on the right. You can find 9 supplements on the bed.

After using a fire hose to descend a few floors, go down one more level and you will encounter a voice follower. There are 12 parts on the table in the same room.


Supplement × 10
On the same floor where the above parts are located, squeeze through the bathroom door, and then walk through a short beam. Drill holes at the other end of the beam into the room to get the flamethrower and 10 supplements on the body.

Supplement × 7 + Parts × 14
Go to the next floor from the location of the supplements above, and do not enter the infected room first. Turn around and walk along the window. You can find 7 supplements in the bathroom drawer, and 14 rooms in the next room near the edge.

Parts × 3
Jump down one level from the location where the supplements & parts are located above, pass over another short beam, enter the room for the limp, search the cabinet on the right after killing the limp and find 3 parts.

Supplement × 10
From the place where you met the limp, you need to walk over a long metal beam and jump down one layer (normal plot line). After jumping, you will be attacked by the enemy immediately. The supplement is just under the table lamp in front of you.

Supplement × 23
Jump down one level, there are 2 medicine bottles (6+17) in the bedside table beside the bed.

After turning on the elevator (△ key) and jumping down, leave the elevator and turn left, there are 8 parts on the left side of the vending machine.

After finding the parts mentioned above, take off the mask and go to the square outside (the square with the bar), there are 18 parts in the right corner.

Enter the next building from a small window sill. There are 15 parts in the bathroom on the left.
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The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide - Chapter 35

After the "Oncology Center" was separated from Nora (when alone again), go downstairs and jump down one more level. There are 14 parts on the shelf of the room.

Supplement × 12
When you reach the location of the parts above, don't walk through the yellow door first, and turn around and take another road to the chapel. There are 12 supplements on the left side of the chapel.

Supplement × 12
After picking up the supplements mentioned above, take the yellow door through the isolation channel (the plot automatically wears a mask through the infected area). , Enter a small laboratory on the left side of the next area, search for shelves to find supplements (before entering the door leading to the "Surgery" center of the operating room).

Supplement × 6
Directly opposite the room where the above supplements are located, mail them from the door to the "Surgery" center, enter the second room on the left and open the drawer to get the supplements.

From the location of the supplement above, over the ruins of the wall, you can find 9 parts in front of you, and the remaining 27 parts are in the room on the left. It is the room where you need to restore power (the plot is forced to flow).

Supplement × 18
Restore power and go through the next door (two sound followers in the corridor), Rick enters the room that was previously inaccessible (the door needs electricity), and there are 18 supplements on the left shelf.

Supplement × 40
Leave the room where the supplements are located above, and return to the corridor where the follower is located. Enter the supply room from the right side of the end of the corridor. There are some medicine bottles on the shelf. You can get a total of 40 supplements by breaking them. However, it should be noted that as long as the glass is broken, it will attract all infected people in the area. It is recommended to use a flamethrower to quickly kill.

Supplement × 20
After defeating the two bosses and leaving the area where the boss is located, you will come to a garage submerged in water, enter the garage and turn left to a small guard room, break the glass, you can find a coin in the guard room, next to There are 20 supplements on the box.

Still in the same garage as the supplement above, 16 parts can be found behind the truck (need to squeeze through the gap to see it).


The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide - Chapter 37 Whalf

Supplement × 16 + Parts × 15
Soon after entering this chapter, you will arrive at a tram station "Lenora St. Station" where you can find these supplements and parts.

When you need to move forward in the water, you will see a truck, and 7 parts can be found behind the truck.

Supplement × 13 + Parts × 8
After leaving the watery area and arriving at the pier, search for the shop at the end of the pier (need to climb the window) before climbing the ladder. There are 13 supplements and 8 parts.

You can find these parts (11+12) in the building you entered after avoiding snipers with a wheelbarrow.


The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide - Chapter 38 Islands

After climbing the first ladder in this chapter, search the back of the car to find 14 parts on the left.

Supplement × 16
It can be found in the first big wooden house you entered, shortly after entering this chapter (about 2 minutes).

Supplement × 19
When you first encounter an enemy in this chapter, you can see 5 cabins (2 on the left, 1 on the right, and 2 walking straight ahead). These supplements can be found in the cabin on the right.

In the first encounter with the enemy in this chapter, you can see 5 cabins (2 on the left, 1 on the right, and 2 walking straight ahead), and these parts can be found in the second cabin on the left (first floor) .

In the first encounter with the enemy in this chapter, you can see 5 cabins (2 on the left, 1 on the right, and 2 walking straight ahead). Among the 2 cabins walking straight to the head, the one on the left ( It is a sawmill and the last building in the area), these parts can be found.

After seeing the Isaac's ship in the distance, you will be attacked by 2 scar-faced enemies, and 16 parts can be found from the sentry tower where they came from.

Supplement × 17 + parts × 11
In the next cabin on the left.

Supplement × 23
The next time you encounter an enemy (corn field, cornfield), you can pick it up from the table in the second cabin.

Supplement × 18
There is a hut on the main story line, just after the area where the enemy left the cornfield (the hut that entered automatically after leaving the cornfield). Supplements can be picked up on the table inside.


The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide - Chapter 39 Get Away

Supplement × 17 + Parts × 7
Shortly after the beginning of this chapter, you return to the second cabin and search the shelves for supplements and parts.

When jumping into a building for the first time in this chapter, you can see some enemies with flashlights. You can find 34 parts (25+9) on the upper floor of the same building, and 8 supplements on the lower floor.

Immediately after the next cutscene, turn left to find 34 parts on the shelf, and then search the locker on the right to find 17 supplements.


In the next area with enemies, there is one part on the cash register on the right, another part is on the right bar, and the remaining nine parts are on the left side of the meat grinder.

Just after leaving the building where the above parts are located, there is a weedy truck in the middle of the road, and these parts can be found behind the truck.

Supplement × 16 + Parts × 11
After climbing the ladder that Lever put down for you, you will enter a room with a workbench, which also contains 16 supplements and 11 parts.
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The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide - Chapter 43 Go inland

When crossing the first fenced villa area in this chapter, search for the first garage on the right.

Supplement × 8
After climbing up the house with the followers on the roof, there is a collection card on the table in the bedroom upstairs, and 8 supplements in the bathroom next door.

From the location of the supplement mentioned above, jump to the next floor of the house, beware that there are some infected people and 2 lame people, and the parts are on the kitchen table.

After leaving the building where the above parts are located, I came to a road. Before going down, I searched for the truck parked on the left. There are 9 parts behind the truck.

Supplement × 6
After finding the above parts, a truck will roll down when you go down. You can find supplements after searching these two trucks.

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The Last of US Part 2 parts and supplements location guide - Chapter 44: Resort

In the area at the beginning of this chapter, first kill the first wave of enemies, and then move forward along the rails with many enemies. You will see a car with the rattlesnake logo on the road. Enter the store on the left side of the car to find some ammunition and 13 Parts. Note that enemies may appear in the shop.

The next time the enemy is encountered, there is 1 part next to the circular saw in the hut in the center of the area, there are 12 parts on the balcony on the right side of the workbench (need to climb the ladder), and the remaining 9 parts are white behind the workbench Outside the container.