Secrerts in Mrs.America: Notice the Magazines in the opening scene


The scalding scene appeared in the first episode of Mrs.America. The housewives held magazines when they scalded their heads. It seemed that this was a very important social occasion at the time, and it is very similar to now :)

Magazines in  Mrs America

Magazines in Mrs America​

Each of them holds a magazine in his hand. From left: redbook ("Red Book"), McCall ’s ("McCall"), Good Housekeeping ("Good Housewife" or "Good Housekeeper"). These three magazines are called " The Seven Sisters " together with the other four female service magazines .

- The Seven Sisters
The contents of the magazine "Seven Sisters" have in common that they talk about how to improve living conditions and improve the quality of life from the perspective of traditional women. According to statistics, the total circulation of the "Seven Sisters" reached 45 million in 1979.

The 7 magazines of "Seven Sisters" include:

  1. Family Circle
  2. Good Housekeeping
  3. Better Homes & Gardens
  4. Woman's Day
  5. redbook
  6. McCall's
  7. Ladies Home Journal

Magazines in  Mrs America

Magazines in Mrs America​

- Redbook Magazine
It currently belongs to the Hearst Corporation. An American women's magazine (then called The Red Book Illustrated ), which was founded in May 1903, has been published so far.

- McCall's magazine
The earliest McCall Corporation (McCall Corporation) was founded by a tailor James McCall. After his death, in 1873 the company published a small clothing magazine called The Queen . Later renamed Queen of Fashion . In September 1879, it was renamed McCall's again , and sales reached its peak in 1963-8.221 million copies.

- McCall's magazine
It was published on May 2, 1885, a bi-weekly journal, which has been published so far. Its first editor's goals for this magazine are:

"produce and perpetuate perfection--or as near unto perfection as may be attained in the household."
The Hearst Group acquired the magazine in 1911, and the British edition was published in 1922. In 1966, the monthly circulation of the magazine reached 5.5 million copies.

In 1926, Good Housekeeping (middle right) and McCall's (upper right) were sold on newspaper racks
(Source: Lee, Russell, photographer. "Yreka, Calif., July 1942--Magazine stand in front of liquor store; each magazine cover (Women's home companion, McCall's, True romances, Good housekeeping, True love and romance, and Screenland) features a US flag. "Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.)