Samsung OLED TVs Upgrade with Quick Media Switching


Samsung's flagship OLED TVs from 2023 and 2024 have received a significant upgrade with the introduction of Quick Media Switching (QMS). This feature, based on HDMI 2.1a, allows users to switch between different refresh rates seamlessly without experiencing the black screen delay, commonly known as "HDMI bonk."

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The Samsung S95D OLED TV stands out in the 2024 lineup, showcasing the benefits of QMS. While it may seem like a simple feature at first glance, it is actually a remarkable achievement that was initially introduced in LG's 2023 TV series. For most users, the change is almost unnoticeable, but it has a significant impact when switching content sources, such as from a 50fps TV show to a 24fps movie. QMS ensures that the transition between these formats is smooth, without any stutter or interruption in playback.

Currently, QMS can only be used through a compatible HDMI 2.1a media player, with Apple TV 4K being the only device supporting this feature. The functionality is available exclusively on Samsung’s S95D and S95C OLED TVs, making these models stand out for tech enthusiasts who seek a high-quality viewing experience.

What is Quick Media Switching?​

Quick Media Switching (QMS) is a technology designed to provide a smoother transition between different refresh rates on TV content. Traditionally, when a TV switches between formats—such as from 60fps to 24fps—the screen may go black momentarily, as it adjusts the refresh rate. This is known as the “HDMI bonk,” which can disrupt the viewing experience.

With QMS, this black screen is eliminated. The feature works by leveraging Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) technology, which ensures that content is displayed seamlessly as users switch from one source to another, like a TV show or a movie with different frame rates. However, QMS does not function when switching between HDR and standard content; it is only applicable to different refresh rates.

At present, QMS is only available on two Samsung OLED models and requires an Apple TV 4K to function properly. Apple TV 4K remains one of the top streaming devices on the market, making it a reliable choice for those who want to experience QMS. Additionally, LG’s 2023 and 2024 OLED TVs, such as the LG C3 OLED, also support QMS, but they too require Apple TV 4K for optimal performance.

While it is unclear whether more streaming devices, such as Roku, will adopt QMS in the future, it is evident that QMS relies on HDMI 2.1a and VRR compatibility to work effectively.


The introduction of QMS in Samsung’s OLED TVs represents a valuable step forward in enhancing the viewing experience. By eliminating the black screen delay when switching between different refresh rates, Samsung has made the content transition smoother and more seamless. For those using Apple TV 4K, this feature adds even more value to their viewing setup. As QMS becomes more widely available across devices, it could set a new standard for smooth content transitions on modern televisions.