Jude Law, who plays a younger version of Dumbledore, reportedly plans to become a father for the sixth time after his second marriage last year.
According to the Daily Mail, Jude Law and his wife, who is 15 years his junior, have been spotted shopping with a baby bump, confirming his success as a father again.
The 47-year-old actor, who has a handsome appearance and is known for his love of beauty, married actress Sadie Frost in 1997 and has three children, levodi, 23, iris, 19, and Rudy, 17. The couple divorced in 2003.
Jude Law almost "seamless integration", and the British actress Anna miller in 2004 co-starred in "alfy" faked, but in 2005 it was revealed that Jude Law even the mother did not pass "steal", let Anna miller "no face", finally in 2006 "back down", and Jude Law break up.
In 2009, Jude Law and female model samantha burke dating, also made the woman alleged that "one night stand" pregnant to give birth to a girl, Sophie to Jude Law to demand $5,000 a month to raise the child "anecdotes."
But then Anna miller "kill", and Jude Law reunite, although the romance only lasted two years "end", it is not difficult to see Jude Law "charm" infinite.
In 2014, Jude Law and singer Kathleen Harding had a baby girl named Ada out of wedlock, but the couple soon broke up because Jude had found a new love interest.
In 2015, Jude Law fell in love with psychiatrist philippa Cohen, who is 15 years his junior. She knew how to "cut" Jude's heart and "lock" his loyalty.
Now it has been revealed that Philip is pregnant and Jude Law is about to become a father for the sixth time. The 47-year-old actor is ready to become a father for the sixth time.
According to the Daily Mail, Jude Law and his wife, who is 15 years his junior, have been spotted shopping with a baby bump, confirming his success as a father again.
The 47-year-old actor, who has a handsome appearance and is known for his love of beauty, married actress Sadie Frost in 1997 and has three children, levodi, 23, iris, 19, and Rudy, 17. The couple divorced in 2003.
Jude Law almost "seamless integration", and the British actress Anna miller in 2004 co-starred in "alfy" faked, but in 2005 it was revealed that Jude Law even the mother did not pass "steal", let Anna miller "no face", finally in 2006 "back down", and Jude Law break up.
In 2009, Jude Law and female model samantha burke dating, also made the woman alleged that "one night stand" pregnant to give birth to a girl, Sophie to Jude Law to demand $5,000 a month to raise the child "anecdotes."
But then Anna miller "kill", and Jude Law reunite, although the romance only lasted two years "end", it is not difficult to see Jude Law "charm" infinite.
In 2014, Jude Law and singer Kathleen Harding had a baby girl named Ada out of wedlock, but the couple soon broke up because Jude had found a new love interest.
In 2015, Jude Law fell in love with psychiatrist philippa Cohen, who is 15 years his junior. She knew how to "cut" Jude's heart and "lock" his loyalty.
Now it has been revealed that Philip is pregnant and Jude Law is about to become a father for the sixth time. The 47-year-old actor is ready to become a father for the sixth time.