How Turnips Work? -Animal Crossing: New Horizons Guide


Turnips are in a way the virtual and extremely simplified counterpart of stock market shares in the world of Animal Crossing. You can buy Turnips on Sunday from Porcelette (around a hundred bells per unit) and resell Turnips from Monday to Saturday at the shop at a randomly set rate. Turnips could be picked up at 200 bells each morning and 60 the next day. It is therefore a risky business which can turn out to be very lucrative or, conversely, make you waste considerable sums.

How Turnips Work?

For the player, it is a question of “speculating” in an attempt to resell his vegetables at the most generous prices, keeping in mind that he will not be able to keep them forever: the turnips kept for more than a week rot and thus lose all their value. The whole question is then to know if it is better to make a modest margin and resell Turnips at a price barely higher than that of the purchase, or tempt the devil and keep them longer at the risk of seeing his fortune s 'evaporate.

A word of advice: arrange to communicate regularly with your friends the resale prices of Turnips in your games. This way you can maximize profits by going to resell them at the Méli et Mélo store with the players whose prices are the most attractive.