D3P announced the Earth Defense Force 6 which is scheduled to be launched in 2021, landing on the game console platforms (the specific platform is not published). More details are to be published later. D3P also announced the new game Earth Defense Force World Brothers, scheduled to be released in 2020, landed on PS4 and Switch platforms. The style of the Earth Defense Force series, which has always been realistic, changed, and the stage became a square earth. In order to restore the fragmented earth to its original shape, the Earth Defense Force urgently deployed across the world.
The horrible insects in the main story become cute. Players who are not good at cruel performance can also enjoy the game in this game and experience the thrill of killing the enemy. The game contains many soldiers and weapons that have participated in the Warring States in the previous series. Players can search and rescue the team members during the mission, and compose their own Earth Defense Forces, which can have more than 100 team members.
In addition to the members of the past generations, the invaders who invaded the earth in the past also crossed the world line and forbidden to participate in the war. It is worth looking forward to what these huge powerful enemies have become in the Earth Defense Force World Brothers.
The horrible insects in the main story become cute. Players who are not good at cruel performance can also enjoy the game in this game and experience the thrill of killing the enemy. The game contains many soldiers and weapons that have participated in the Warring States in the previous series. Players can search and rescue the team members during the mission, and compose their own Earth Defense Forces, which can have more than 100 team members.
In addition to the members of the past generations, the invaders who invaded the earth in the past also crossed the world line and forbidden to participate in the war. It is worth looking forward to what these huge powerful enemies have become in the Earth Defense Force World Brothers.