Bought a full price game before the discount? Don't worry


According to foreign media VG247, the Epic Mall now offers a partial refund to players who recently purchased a discounted game at full price. Although the Epic mall has not yet added this feature, nor announced specific details, but for those games that are being discounted, players who have already purchased at full price have received partial refunds. Joshua Boggs, the founder of Studio Mayday, posted an email from Epic on Twitter, which read: "The price of the game you purchased has recently been reduced, so we will partially refund the partial."

purchased a discounted game at full price

purchased a discounted game at full price

purchased a discounted game at full price

purchased a discounted game at full price
He said in a tweet that he spent a long time on the Epic platform, and because he missed the discounted game that he could only buy at the original price, Epic actually returned the difference to him, which was very incredible. In this email, Epic also indicated that the user recently purchased the game at Epic. After the purchase, the user's price in the region was adjusted to make the price more favorable, and the partial will now be refunded. In general, it doesn't matter if you purchased a discounted game at full price, Epic will refund the partial.